It has
become a cliché that Patanjali’s noodles contain insects. It is quite natural
because this product of Patanjali has proved to be the best among all other
brands. It is fresh and good for health. It is hundred percent true. Patanjali
Yogpeeth and its mentors like Swami
Ramdev ji and Acharya Balkrishna ji have passed all tests, have successfully
exposed all bids of their rivals to malign their image.

It happened a little bit in the past. A queen of some foreign
country organized an exhibition of crabs at her palace. Crabs from across the
world kept in glass pots were brought in the palace. All the pots were
carefully covered.
On seeing them the queen was very happy. All of a sudden her
eyes stopped at a comparatively small post in which dangerous looking crabs
were kept. She also observed that the cap of the pot was not present at the top
of the pot. Fearing something wrong, she immediately left the hall and came
out. She was very angry.

Patanjali and Baba Ramdev are faced with similar kind of
problems. Despite having studied at a small Gurukul, traditional school of
sages, Baba Ramdev has accomplished Unforeseen
success in his life. He has surprised not only common people but also the big
corporate houses and most successful entrepreneurs from across the world. This
sage on his
own started manufacturing Chyawanprash on the basis of the formula suggested by
our great ancient sages and the way he started a business aimed at providing
pure and authentic products to masses at affordable price is amazing. The kind
of empire he has established is no less than the success of Bill Gates. In my personal
opinion he is hundred times greater than the most successful any other person
of the world because he has successfully countered the tricks, conspiracy,
greed, deception, attractive but false claims made
in their advertisements. He countered all this on the basis of his strong will
power and the power of Swadeshi or indigenous. Behind this there lies his
strong dedication for Swadeshi, pride to the motherland, pride for being an
Indian, and he is moving ahead successfully.
The most amazing thing is that once, Swadeshi was viewed as a
ridiculous idea, but Swamiji’s motive to serve the people, purity of his
products, quality of his household products, his indigenous formula to
manufacture these products, etc have set up a big market for wadeshi products.
Big businessmen of the country and the world are surprised at the success story
of Swamiji. Once starting a business venture was viewed as the world’s most
difficult thing. But Swamiji presented a very simple method of doing business
which have encouraged many countrymen to successfully run a business. Nobody
can ignore the success of Patanjali Ayurveda and its research based medicines.
The success of Patanjali’s dispensaries is no doubt extraordinary.
Swami Ramdev ji has undoubtedly played a crucial role in
establishing the science of Indian Yoga at global level and due to his efforts
the world has recognized it by observing International
Yoga Day across the world. Unfortunately, many forces are engaged in maligning
his image, denying his contribution and raising question on his patriotism,
dedication to the people and the country.
It is like spitting in the sky.
Actually masses are already with Babaji and had the support of all types of
intellectuals been behind Babaji, it would have helped in economic prosperity of
the country and pride of the nation would have further grown across the world.
Moreover, the time has gone to suspect on his business empire
which has acquired a huge size. It will be pertinent to say that many of my
highly educated relatives and friends, who would earlier use the products of
MNCs, now have started using Patanjali products in their daily life. Since it is
a holy work therefore failure of Patanjali is out of question and it is clear
from the success Baba ji and Patanjali. Their natural and indigenous products
are becoming highly popular among masses and this popularity is growing exponentially.
This popularity among the people is no less than a Nobel Prize for Swami Ramdev
Now the time has come to get rid of our centuries old slave
like mentality and remote indigenous with open mind praise and globally
celebrate the success of Patanjali products. If it could happen, no doubt the
talents of rural India, which have been unrecognized and uncelebrated so far, would
dare to make new history for the country and the humanity.
It will be called the preparation of a massive indigenous
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