ALL the components of this universe are so closely related to each other that existence of one is not possible without others. Existence of any one unit means that unit is connected with the whole environment in coexistence. This dialogue is in its utmost form beyond humans. Not among living beings but in plants, the sun, the moon, oceans, forests, rivers, mountains, etc, are connected with each other with a thread from its one end to other.

Unfortunately, humans who are the wisest among all others,
are not able to recognize their duties and are not discharging their duties
well and hence he is crossing his limits. These way humans are themselves
causing their own destruction.
Right thinking:
The one who want to live in this world pleasure and wants to give
pleasure to his own Brothers and sisters, who are all out to make this planet
like a paradise, wants to make everyone free from all kinds of pains, he will
have to be cautious at this stage of relations. The
relation between human and the nature, his relation with other living beings,
and at the end his relation with the almighty, has to be recognized well.
Without understanding this relation,
humans may make jet planes, can send satellites in the space to do research on
stars and planets can create a global village, can use his Technology
to measure the depth of the earth and the oceans, can build bridges in the
oceans, can transplant human organs, and can successfully conduct operation of
sensitive Brain,
but cannot attain pleasure.
Now it has become very important for
people to recognize their relations with the nature and mend the relation if
there is any flaw. Besides it is also important to identify The mutual
emotional relations as in its absence, we become very selfish and want to use
everything available in the world for our own sake. Without taking care of
others, without paying respect to others, how can we be happy? It is the law of
nature that we get only that Which
we give others.
Rise above greed and envy:
Everything in the world has a value. There is also a value to human life. It is
the right kind of feeling, respect, trust, affection, dedication, pride,
gratefulness, etc. If you have such emotional quotients, you are a human in
true sense otherwise you nothing more than a mass of flesh. If you are
influenced by selfishness, you cannot be happy to see others happy. But where
ever you work for others, it is the human values that inspire you. Second
factor is that whether your relations are based on enlightenment or it lacks in
your relations. It can be judged by recognising whether it has greed, envy etc
in your relations or not. When these factors come to influence you, a decline
in your relations begins, though it is better to have right evaluation,
however, where there is a relationship, you have to be very careful to ensure
it could not affect your relations. By rising above these demerits, you can
start a relation based on love and affection.
Anurakto gunan
brute virakto dushanani cha I
namastasmai vibhako gunadoshayoh II
makes you feel that you are different from others and even if you consider
someone your own, want to dissolve in it completely. Where ever people are seen
in groups, there are three kinds of possibilities, ward, crowd and the society.
Where conflicting people Gather,
there starts war and here the people want to destroy their adversaries. Here
arrogance and selfishness are at their zenith. They increase enmity.
Sensible Behavior:
The group of other types of people is of such
kind that neither cooperates with each other nor they do cooperate. They are
basically aloof to each other. The gathering of such people is called crowd.
The specialty of third kind of people is the cooperative mindset. All are
connected with the thread of love and affection. The group of such people is
called society.
Here it is important to understand that elements like love,
affection, respect, etc are found in every relation. Yes, it is also important
to note that in a healthy relation, any kind of behaviour will not make you
feel bad. Hence, a cooperative life is led in a relation. Where There
are two or more people living together it is better to conclude that no
relation exists between them.
It can be understood in a different
way. If you make a relation the means of self-assessment instead of self
gratification, it will help in your inner development in a great Way. You can
be an enlightened person in a true sense. Hence a true scholar can understand
his acts which are guided by arrogance. It can be understood that when and Where
anger, greed, desire, lust, envy, bad feelings are taking birth. A lone person
can consider himself anything but reality can be known through his behaviour.
Hence our Relations make us feel about our own behaviour, to know about
ourselves. It also makes us to know what a kind of people we are.
You cannot
be pure without understanding divinity in your relations. For the sake of
purity, make make one pure, it is important to go deep into your own soul. From here
onwards, the ray of co-existence appears.
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