Jatharagni, Pranagni vital for our body and life
Anvya - Ushmanah alpabalatven apachitam amashyagatam dushtam rasam adyam dhatum aamam prachakshate, anye atidushtebhyah doshebhyah Anyonyamurchchhanaat aeva amasya sambhavam kodravebhyah vishasya eva vadanti. Ten aamen sampriktah dushitah doshah aeva tadudbhavah ye rogah sama iti updishyante.Ushmanoalpbalatwen dhatumadyamapachitam. Dushtamamashyagaatam rasmamam prachakshate. Anye doshebhya avatidushtebhyoanyonyamurchchhanaat. Kodravebhyo vishasyeva vadantyamsya sambhavam. Aamen ten samprikta dosha dooshyashcha dooshitah. Sama ityupadishyante ye cha rogastadubhdavah.
Word meaning: Ushmanah- of appetite, Alpabalatven- due to weakness, Apachitam- uncooked, Amashayagatam- Received in stomach, Dushtam- contaminated in gastric problem, Rasm- juice, Aadyam- fi rst, Dhatum- of metal, Aamamof aam, Prachakshate- it is said, Anye- some teachers, Atidushtebhyah doshebhyah- most contaminated due to gastric problem, Anyonyamurchchhanaat aeva- mutual due to fainting, Aamasya samhhavam- generation of aam, Kodravebhyah vishasya iva- like generation of poison, vadanti- it is said, Ten aamen sampaktah- after assimilation with that aam, Dooshitah- contaminated, Doshah- gastric related problems, Dooshyah cha- like contaminated juice,
Tadudbhavah- born out of them, these diseases- the diseases which they are, Ye rogah- these diseases, Sama iti updishyante- Saam is said by this name.
Meaning- Due to weakness of Jatharagni, the juice is not digested properly, after getting into stomach, this undigested juice is called Aam. According to other Aacharyas or mentors, the way due to production of kudhanya or kodravya becomes poisonous, similarly due to excess of the gastric contamination, aam related problems are born. The excrements mixed in Aam is called Saam and the diseases caused by them are known as Saamrog.
Kuryaanna teshu twarya dehagnibalvit kriyam. Samyettan prayogena sukham wa koshthmaanyet. Gyatva koshthaprapannanshch yathasannam vinirharet.
Anvaya- Tiryaggatah doshah prayah aaturan chiram kleshyanti, dehagni-balvit teshu twarya kriyam na kuryat, prayogena taana shamayeta sukham wa koshtham aanyet,
koshthprapannana cha gyatavya yathasannam vinirharet.
Word meaning: Tiryaggatah- that goes in the slant direction, Doshah- fl aw, Prayaha- often, Aaturan- to the patients, Chiram- for a long time, Kleshyanti- that gives pain, Deh-agnibalvit- The Ayurveda expert who knows about body, fi re and strength, Teshu- regarding the fl aws, Twarya- swiftly, Kriyam na kuryaat- don't treat, Prayogena- by use of the methods suggested by the scriptures, Taan- those fl aws, Shamayetquell, Sukham wa- with pleasure, Koshtham- in the Koshtha, Aanyet- Bring now, Koshthaprapannan cha- the fl aws found in the brackets, Gyatva- by knowing, yathasannnam- in the nearest series, Vinirharet- Do Nirharan.
Meaning: Tiryaggat, which means outside food channels, the fl aws which went into the other branches cause a lot of pain for a long time. Therefore, the Ayurveda expert who
knows well about body, fi re and power should not treat them swiftly or in haste, but they should quell them according to the methods described in the scriptures without causing any pain and bring the fl aws out of the body through vomiting, excretion and excretion through nostrils.
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